Crime of adultery wiped from Taiwan statute books

Adultery will no longer be a criminal offense after Taiwan’s parliamentary body, the Legislative Yuan approved the deletion of Article 239 of the Criminal Code on the third reading today, May 31. The removal of the law comes after Constitutional Interpretation No.791 by the Judicial Yuan’s Constitutional Court May 29, 2020 determined that Article 239 of the criminal code was unconstitutional and thus immediately invalidated. Article 239 reads: “A married person who commits adultery with another shall be sentenced to

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“I don’t need therapy, I just need to go to Taiwan” a big hit in online sales, so legislator features his own mug

A series of products featuring the words “I don’t need therapy, I just need to go to Taiwan” has generated a viral level of sales on online shopping sites recently, so a Taiwanese legislator had a mug designed with the addition “Taiwan support frontline health heroes.” With much of the world gripped in fear, and locked down with restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a design company in the United States launched a coffee mug featuring the words “I don’t

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Taiwan legislature buys 200 bottles of Australian wine in support against China bullying

Taiwan’s parliamentary body, the Legislative Yuan, has purchased 200 bottles of Australian wine in support of an international inter-parliamentary action to counter China’s bullying of the Australian wine industry. Members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), “an international cross-party group of legislators working to reform the approach of democratic countries to China,” recently called on consumers to stand up to Beijing. The call comes after the CCP slapped “anti-dumping” import tariffs on Australian wines of up to 212%. “We are

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Ed Royce Receives Medal of Honor for Supporting the Taiwan Travel Act

US Congressman Ed Royce who sponsored and championed the Taiwan Travel Act, which was signed into law by the US President March 16, was awarded the Congressional Honorary Medal of the Legislative Yuan today, March 27. Legislative Yuan Speaker Su Jia-chyuan conferred the award at a ceremony where he thanked Royce for his hard work and support of Taiwan. Su said that he was very honored to invite Royce, Chairman of the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, to

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Protesters Clash with Police over Labor Law Reform

[Picture: United Daily News] Protesters gathered outside the Legislative Yuan in Taipei City today as the Social and Economic Committee of the Legislative Yuan and the Economic Commission continued to review revisions of the Labor Standards Act. At close to noon protesters charged the police line and clashes ensued. Shortly after, a second wave managed to break through, and a group of protesters occupied the front steps, sitting down and hooking arms to form a human chain. Serious conflict broke

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Legislators Scuffle Over Pension Reform Bill

[Cover picture: United Daily News] Conflict over amendments to the public service pension law turned physical at a meeting of the Legislative Yuan’s Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee today, when Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) member Kung Wen-chi (孔文吉) attacked Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) member Tuan Yi-kang (段宜康). New Power Party legislator Hsu Yung-ming (徐永明) posted video of the incident to Facebook, where he commented that the KMT had engaged in hooliganism and had no intention of reviewing the

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