Taiwan consulate in Germany calls for like-minded countries to support Taiwan’s liberal democracy

On the eve of the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, the Trade Office of Taiwan in Munich issued an appeal to like-minded nations to support Taiwan’s liberal and democratic society, in the face of threats from it’s belligerent neighbor, the People’s Republic of China. One of four Taiwanese representative offices in Germany, the Munich office published a picture on their Facebook page of pandas driving tanks facing a Formosan black bear bearing two cases, one labeled “democracy,” and

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The Mayor of Prague is a friend of Taiwan, and it irritates China’s authoritarian Regime

The Mayor of Prague visited Taipei this week, and China responded by pressuring the Czech Republic to expel Taiwan’s representative from an economic meeting held in the country. Prague’s mayor, Zdeněk Hřib, was in Taipei from March 26 to March 29 to attend the Smart City Summit and Expo. During his visit, Hřib met with Taipei City Mayor Ko Wen-je, and noted that since his last stay, 14 years ago, both Taipei and Prague had changed a lot, but both cities

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Ed Royce Receives Medal of Honor for Supporting the Taiwan Travel Act

US Congressman Ed Royce who sponsored and championed the Taiwan Travel Act, which was signed into law by the US President March 16, was awarded the Congressional Honorary Medal of the Legislative Yuan today, March 27. Legislative Yuan Speaker Su Jia-chyuan conferred the award at a ceremony where he thanked Royce for his hard work and support of Taiwan. Su said that he was very honored to invite Royce, Chairman of the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, to

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UK Minister Visits Taiwan to Foster Closer Ties

UK Minister of State of the Department for International Trade, Greg Hands MP met President Tsai Ing-wen during a 2-day visit, and spoke to government, business leaders, and students. In a speech delivered at National Chengchi University, Mr Hands spoke about the United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union, and assured Taiwan that Britain will remain a strong ally and trusted partner. Transcript of speech: “Good morning.Thank you for the warm welcome – It is great to be back

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