Pro-China Thugs Beat up Student Protestors

China Unification Promotion Party members scuffled with students who had protested, and shut down a concert at National Taiwan University in Taipei City yesterday, Sunday, September 24. During the altercation, one of the CUPP members used an extendable baton to hit at least two students. The students required hospital treatment, one for a 3cm head laceration.

National University Downgraded to Municipal Level
The students were protesting a concert held by the China New Song television series (official English name: Sing! China), which students saw as a “United Front” activity. Students were seen waving pro-independence flags as they stormed the stage and took it over. One prominent banner protested the concert organizers referring to National Taiwan University as “Taipei City Taiwan University” on posters and other media promoting the event.
Protest organizers said the concert was a misuse of student resources. The athletics field had been closed during the week prior to the concert as organizers were setting up the stage. The students demanded university administrators make public the administrative processes that lead to permission for the Chinese talent show to set up a concert on the world class, recently renovated athletics field, and also demanded that concert organizers pay to repair the damaged turf and running track back to internationally certified standards.

White Wolf Comes to Assailant’s Defense
President of the CUPP, Chang An-lo, held a press conference today and told reporters that his party members had only retaliated after being attacked. Hu had only hit the students after they called Hu “an old xxx,” and other abusive words, and had charged to attack him.
Chang said that yesterday’s concert was a legitimate event and that the student protestors had acted illegally. He likened yesterday’s protest as being akin to the Sunflower movement, and asked why students with a green label are allowed unimpeded rampage. Chang went on to say that his unification party doesn’t condone violence, but the pro-independence members bully ordinary people.

Son of Wolf: Pushing Hands
An Audi A8 sedan photographed parked at the scene of the altercation was found to belong to Chang’s son, Chang Wei (張瑋). Eyewitness testimony, and photographs emerged Monday that place Chang Wei at the scene of the crime.
Chang Wei went to Daan Police Station Monday evening to make a statement. Chang stated that he rushed in to defend his “uncle” but did not punch students. He said that he was incapable of punching anyone due to an injured finger.
Chang said he had no idea that a concert was taking place and just heard that his elders were in trouble, so he rushed in to defend them.

Last year Chang was called in for questioning after being involved in an incident where thugs assailed Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong as he arrived at Taipei Taoyuan International Airport. Chang was released without bail, and used the opportunity to flee to Mexico.
After being interrogated by police Monday night, Chang left the police station and was faced with a barrage of reporters waiting outside. He refused to answer questions, and said that the case was under investigation and that it was “not convenient” to answer publicly. Chang left accompanied by his lawyer.
Extendable Baton Miraculously Appears
Hu Da-gang(胡大剛), the 61 year-old assailant who hit a student with a baton after the protest, told reporters at a press conference today that he had not brought the baton to the protest site, but had found it on the ground shortly before the altercation.
Mr Hu told reporters that he had just gone to the university campus to enjoy the concert, and that his attack was not premeditated.
Members of Taiwan’s popular PTT bulletin board were dumbfounded by Hu’s claim.
“Living in Taipei is like playing Grand Theft Auto(GTA)”, one person wrote, “You can find weapons laying around on the ground.”
“I found an MP5 on Zhong-gang Road. Would you believe it?” another member responded.
Police Tardy in Response
The people who were attacked yesterday are demanding to know why the police were so slow to respond to reports of the attack. Dozens of people reported the incident but police took 40 minutes to arrive. Police in Taipei City are usually able to respond to emergencies in as little as three minutes.
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