Pro China-unification leader falls into his own coffin in protest cock-up

The leader of the extremist minority party – the China Unification Promotion Party (CUPP) – became a laughingstock when a protest stunt backfired and he fell into a coffin today, Tuesday, February 26. Chang An-lo, also known as “the White Wolf,” took umbrage at comments made by Premier Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌)  the other day, after Su said that he would fight against China with just a broom, if that was all that was left. “You would pay a price if

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Pro-China Thugs Beat up Student Protestors

China Unification Promotion Party members scuffled with students who had protested, and shut down a concert at National Taiwan University in Taipei City yesterday, Sunday, September 24. During the altercation, one of the CUPP members used an extendable baton to hit at least two students. The students required hospital treatment, one for a 3cm head laceration. National University Downgraded to Municipal Level The students were protesting a concert held by the China New Song television series (official English name: Sing!

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White Wolf: Taiwan Aborigines are Chinese, and Confucian

Chang An-lo, also known as the “White Wolf,” declared that Taiwan’s indigenous people are actually Chinese at an Amis “harvest festival” organised by the Chinese Unity Promotion Party in Hualian yesterday, September 9. The event was styled as “The Chinese Unity Year of Confucius 2568 Bumper Harvest Festival”. Making a speech as host of the event, the erudite gangster-turned-politician declared, “Everyone is Chinese; aboriginal people are Chinese.” Wearing a costume that resembled a traditional Chinese-style robe but with Amis aboriginal

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