78 US House of Reps members call for naming Taiwan representative office “Taiwan Representative Office”

A letter signed by 78 members of the US House of Representatives was handed to Secretary of State Michael Pompeo yesterday, calling for changing the name “Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office” (TECRO) to “Taiwan Representative Office” (TRO). The move was led by Taiwan Caucus co-chairs Steve Chabot (R-OH) and Mario Diaz Balart (R-FL), calling upon the secretary to change the name of the unofficial Taiwan embassy in Washington DC. “The use of the word ‘Taipei’ fails to accurately reflect

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Highest level visit in 41 years: US Secretary of Health arrives in Taipei

US Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar arrived at Taipei Songshan Airport shortly before 5:00 pm this afternoon, marking the most senior US cabinet official to visit Taiwan since Washington broke off diplomatic relations in 1979. Azar disembarked from a US Air Force C-40 shortly after landing at 4:48 pm, and was met by a delegation that included Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu and AIT Director William Brent Christensen . Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the parties

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“Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act” to be introduced to US Congress this week

A bill to authorize the President of the United States to use force if China attempts a military invasion of Taiwan will be introduced to the US House of Representatives this week, according to comments made by Republican Congressman Ted Yoho (R-FL) Friday night. Yoho, chairman of the house Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, made the comments while speaking to Fox Business’ Lou Dobbs, July 17. “With South Korea and Japan and the United States, we’re doing

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Former US defense official: US military flight a strong signal Taiwan not territory of China

Joseph Bosco, former China country desk official in the office of the Secretary of Defense, said that a US military plane’s flight over Taiwan June 9 was a strong signal that the US does not consider Taiwan part of China’s territory. Voice of America Chinese reports the comments in an interview with Bosco, after US Defense Secretary Mark Esper reaffirmed America’s commitment to a democratic Taiwan in a series of tweets, Tuesday morning, June 16. Bosco, a senior associate at

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US Senator introduces Taiwan Defense Act with nuclear option

US Senator Josh Hawley (Rep. Missouri) introduced a bill, June 11, to ensure that the US military is able to maintain the ability to defeat China even if it mounts a successful invasion of Taiwan, including an assessment of the use of nuclear forces. The “Taiwan Defense Act” is aimed at denying a “fait accompli” victory by the People’s Republic of China. The fait accompli refers to the possibility of the PRC mounting an invasion of Taiwan using overwhelming military

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Senator urges Congress to invite President Tsai Ing-wen to Washington

US Senator Ted Cruz said that he had written to Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, urging her to invite President Tsai Ing-wen to make a speech to Congress. Texas Republican Senator Cruz made the remarks in a response to questions by a CNA reporter in a Q and A session after a speech delivered to the American Enterprise Institute yesterday, February 6. During the speech, which focused on the role of Congress in American foreign

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US Defense Act Calls for Improving Taiwan’s Self-Defense Capabilities

The US Congress’ Armed Services Committee will review the draft National Defense Authorization Act for 2019 today, according to Voice of America Chinese language news service. The draft includes provisions to strengthen US-Taiwan military cooperation, expanding joint military training, arms sales to Taiwan, security cooperation, and high level military exchanges. The draft of the act, HR 5515, FY19 National Defense Authorization Bill, was released by Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry, May 7. Section 1243 – Strengthening Taiwan’s Force Readiness

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Taiwan Thanks President Trump for Signing Taiwan Travel Act

Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Office of the President thanked the US President for signing the Taiwan Travel Act, putting into law the encouragement of high-level visits between officials of the two countries. President Trump signed the Taiwan Travel Act Friday evening, March 16. The act was passed unanimously by the US Congress January 9, 2018. Ministry of Foreign Affairs MOFA said that Taiwan-US relations are close and amicable. In recent years, through the joint efforts of both

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US Senate Passes Taiwan Travel Act

The US Senate passed the Taiwan Travel Act (HR535 Taiwan Travel Act) with no objections Wednesday, February 28. The legislation only needs President Donald Trump’s signature to become law. [See previous article: US Congress Passes Taiwan Travel Act.] The bill says it should be U.S. policy to allow officials at all levels to travel to Taiwan to meet their Taiwanese counterparts and permit high-level Taiwanese officials to enter the United States. Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry thanked the United States for the

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US Congress Passes Taiwan Travel Act

A bill calling for high-level visits between American and Taiwanese officials was passed by the US House of Representatives yesterday, January 9. HR 535, The Taiwan Travel Act, calls for an end to the self-imposed restrictions on high-level visits between the two countries that have been in place since Washington recognized the People’s Republic of China in 1979. The USA has maintained unofficial relations with the Republic of China, the nominal ruler of Taiwan, in the ensuing 39 years, using

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“The Day a US Warship Docks in Kaohsiung is the Day the PLA Liberates Taiwan:” Ambassador

Chinese Ambassador to the USA, Minister Li Kexin, has told US lawmakers that proposed visits by US warships to Taiwan would violate the anti-secession law of China, and that the date of the first US warship’s arrival in Kaohsiung Harbor is the day China liberates Taiwan by force. Li told an audience of Chinese students and expatriates invited to a lecture in Washington DC, December 8, that he had made China’s position clear to US legislators after the US Congress

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