1 Killed 1 Injured in Naked Maniac’s Road Rage Rampage

A scooter rider in Taoyuan City was killed instantly, and another slightly injured, after a driver smashed into three vehicles stopped at a red light, yesterday, May 15. The driver kept speeding down the road, hitting another 4 vehicles, then abandoned his disabled vehicle and ran around naked, attacking bystanders with a steel extendable baton.
At around 2:40pm, a 25 year-old man driving a white sedan crashed into two scooters and a car on Changshou Road in Guishan District, killing a 67 year-old man, also named Wu. A 22 year-old man named Guo received light injuries to his head.
Wu continued on his high-speed rampage for another 1 kilometer, hitting another three cars along the way, before hitting a truck.
With his car now disabled, Wu exited the vehicle, wearing only a pair of red underpants, and wielding a steel, extendable baton. Wu then stripped his underpants off and ran naked, waving the baton at passersby and attacking scooter riders.
Pedestrians scattered in an attempt to avoid attack, while two burly men chased and tackled Wu, holding him down until police arrived.
Ambulance officers gave first aid to Wu, who had suffered cuts and bruises to his head and hands. After a check-up at the hospital, Wu was taken back to the police station for questioning and processing.
Drug and alcohol tests came up negative, and Wu today claimed that he had no memory of the events. He did not even remember leaving the house, according to his statement.
Wu has no criminal record, and no history of mental illness, but his family told police that Wu had gone through a divorce, had recently believed that ghosts were chasing him, and had been very mentally unstable.
Wu was handed over to the district prosecutor’s office to face charges of negligent death, and leaving the scene of an accident.

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