Train Bomb Suspect Identified

A suspect has been identified after DNA analysis of materials believed to have been used to make an explosive device were matched with one of the injured passengers currently hospitalized after a blast on a commuter train in Taipei City.
Eyewitness reports and fingerprints found on the device also point to the suspect, 55 year-old Lin Ying-chang.
Mr Lin appears to have been holding what has been described as a pipe-bomb when it exploded in car six. Twenty-five people, including Mr Lin, were injured in the explosion. Mr Lin was the most severely injured, and remains in intensive care. He is unable to speak, or answer questions.
Fifteen of the injured have been released from hospital, while 10 remain hospitalized under observation or undergoing treatment. Two people, including the suspected bomber are in critical care.
The pipe-bomb was bound with yellow, red, and black tape. The same tape, along with a bag, and a rasp, was found in the toilet cubicle of the train car. DNA on the yellow tape, and on the bag, was matched to Lin. Fingerprints on the remains of the device were also matched to Lin.

Mr Lin has been described as ‘anti-social’ and a loner. He divorced two years ago and has a son who lives in Hsinchu. People who knew him say his only friend was a dog. He lived out of a van, which was found today in Nantou County. He is said to have been suffering from cancer of the tonsils.
Mr Lin asked a breakfast store owner to take care of his dog before he boarded a bus to Taichung Station. He then boarded a northbound train.
The van was located by police late this afternoon, July 8. The dog was inside the van and barked furiously at police and reporters.

Police released surveillance camera footage which showed the man before boarding the bus carrying the red bag found in the train’s toilet cubicle. Surveillance footage from inside the bus shows the man boarding the bus and being careful not to bump the bag on bars and obstacles, before he takes a seat at the front of the bus and gently places the bag on his lap.

After boarding a train in Taichung, he is next seen at Banciao Train Station where he is carrying the bag on his shoulder. He then boarded the local train on which the explosion occurred.

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the dog certainly had prior knowledge of this event and should be considered an accomplice.