Train Bomber Speaks: Underestimated Power of Bomb

A man who detonated a bomb on a commuter train in Taipei July 7 has been able to talk to police after being taken out of critical care. Lin Ying-chang, 55, told police he made the bomb using principles he had learned playing with matches as a child. He said he bought firecrackers and used scissors to cut them open to remove the gunpowder. He made the detonation device using the scratch-pad of a matchbox and a match head, which

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Train Bomb Suspect Identified

A suspect has been identified after DNA analysis of materials believed to have been used to make an explosive device were matched with one of the injured passengers currently hospitalized after a blast on a commuter train in Taipei City. Eyewitness reports and fingerprints found on the device also point to the suspect, 55 year-old Lin Ying-chang. Mr Lin appears to have been holding what has been described as a pipe-bomb when it exploded in car six. Twenty-five people, including

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