Taiwan’s fertility rate second lowest in the world: abortions are double the number of live births, advocacy group claims

Taiwan has one of the lowest fertility rates in the world, and one of the highest rates for abortion, it was revealed at a press conference by pro-life pregnancy support and advocacy group Pro Femina, Friday, July 5.

Pro Femina urged the government to address Taiwan’s high abortion rate.

Government agencies have often weighed in on the problem of low fertility rates, which have at times been flagged as a national security issue. In a recent report, the National Development Council cited late marriage, not having children, and having children later in life, as causes for extremely low fertility rates since 2003. The total fertility rate for 2023 was a mere 0.865, according to statistics. But no mention was made of Taiwan’s very high abortion rate.

Taiwan’s Central News Agency reported that 2023’s low birth rate of 135,571, compared to a death rate of more than 200,000, saw a natural decline in population of more than 69,000. However, this figure was masked by immigration figures that saw a population increase due to people returning to Taiwan following the lifting of travel restrictions implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Annual births and death rates in Taiwan since 2011 graph
Annual birth and death rates in Taiwan 2011-2023, Ministry of the Interior/CNA.

According to Pro Femina, the Ministry of Health and Welfare reported around 230,000 abortions in the year 2011, which is almost double the current rate of births. Pro Femina claimed that there are around 133 million births globally every year, and around 44 million abortions. Based on these statistics, Taiwan’s abortion rate would be around 6 to 9 times the global average.

Profemina Taiwan Director Charles Lin (林朝興) urged the government to address unintended pregnancies. Lin suggested establishing a pregnancy fund, creating an abortion notification system, and appointing case managers for pregnant women.

Hsieh Wen-pin (謝文彬), chairman of Profemina Taiwan, recommended setting up a counseling mechanism for women considering abortions and allocating funds for a pregnancy fund. Hsieh believes these measures could support women facing unplanned pregnancies.

Wei Pei-i (魏佩儀), founder of Safe Place in Singapore, noted that many married women choose abortions due to factors such as timing, work pressure, and existing children. This insight highlights the complex reasons behind abortion decisions.

Lin Yu-hsuan (林宇旋), head of the Maternal and Child Health Division at the Health Promotion Administration, mentioned existing guidelines for abortions and ongoing efforts to monitor high-risk pregnancies. These measures aim to provide better care and support for pregnant women.

Legislator Wang Cheng-hsu (王正旭) pointed out that the Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology has long advocated for case managers for pregnant women. This proposal aligns with broader efforts to improve maternal health services and reduce abortion rates.

Abortion was first legalized in Taiwan under the Genetic Health Law, which was enacted in 1984 with a focus on population control and eugenics.

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One thought on “Taiwan’s fertility rate second lowest in the world: abortions are double the number of live births, advocacy group claims

  • July 6, 2024 at 7:46 pm

    All this birth/death rate stuff should also be looked at “manfully” in light of the fact that Taiwan has one of the highest “jab” rates in the world. I really think most Taiwanese are (or even prefer to be) blissfully ignorant of the massively murderous jab job that’s been done on them and that they are going to be paying the piper for that for a long time to come.


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