Taiwan’s fertility rate second lowest in the world: abortions are double the number of live births, advocacy group claims

Taiwan has one of the lowest fertility rates in the world, and one of the highest rates for abortion, it was revealed at a press conference by pro-life pregnancy support and advocacy group Pro Femina, Friday, July 5. Pro Femina urged the government to address Taiwan’s high abortion rate. Government agencies have often weighed in on the problem of low fertility rates, which have at times been flagged as a national security issue. In a recent report, the National Development

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Taiwan’s population decreased in 2021 for second year in a row

The Ministry of the Interior today released population statistics for 2021, showing that Taiwan’s population continued to decline, following the first fall in population in 2020. The MOI figures show that there were 153,820 births in 2021, a record low, and a total of 182,732 deaths. The number of deaths surpassed the number of births by 29,912. In the month of December, there were 14,127 births, and 15,739 deaths, with deaths exceeding births by 1,612. The statistics also showed that

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Taiwan will be a Multi-ethnic Nation in the Future: NDC issues Revised Population Estimate

[Picture used without permission from ANS] Taiwan’s National Development Council (NDC) today issued a report that predicts the nation’s population will begin to decline in 2022, three years earlier than previous estimates, and NDC Minister Chen Mei-ling said that Taiwan will be a multi-ethnic country in the future. The NDC functions as the policy planning agency of the Executive Yuan, and releases population estimates every two years. The previous report, released in 2016, estimated that Taiwan’s population will begin to

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