Taiwanese flight attendant traumatized after being forced to wipe fat, white, old, foreign butt

A female Taiwanese flight attendant felt physically and mentally traumatized after being exposed to the sight of an obese man’s genitals, and being forced to wipe the man’s bottom, after he went to the toilet on a flight from Los Angeles to Taipei yesterday, January 19.
“I feel dirty.” The flight attendant wrote on an Instagram post that detailed the experience.
According to reports in Taiwan media outlets, the flight attendant wrote that an old, white, American man, weighing around 200 kilograms, boarded the flight from LA and made “unreasonable requests” of the all-female flight attendant cabin crew.
After boarding the airplane in a wheelchair, the passenger requested to be moved to a row with three spare seats, and as seats were available, his request was granted.
During the flight, the passenger told the flight attendant that his right hand was broken, and was recovering from surgery, so could they please help him to go to the toilet, as he was unable to apply pressure to his hand.
The obese man was not able to get into the economy class toilet because it was too small, so the flight attendants took him to the business class toilet. “It was the beginning of a nightmare,” the flight attendant wrote.
Shortly after entering the toilet cubicle, the passenger pressed the emergency assistance button. With his underwear only half pulled down, he asked the flight attendant to help him to pull his underwear down.
The flight attendant at first refused, but the man, sitting on the toilet with his legs open and genitals exposed, insisted, and pleaded that he could not complete his ablutions with his underwear only half-down.
“Come in and help me out … you promised to help me!” he said.
The flight attendant put a blanket over the passenger’s groin, donned a pair of surgical gloves and helped pull down the man’s underwear.
The passenger then insisted that the door be left open, otherwise he could not breathe.
Being forced to see the man’s genitalia was just the beginning of the insults, according to SETN (Sanli News Network). After relieving himself, the passenger “shamelessly” asked the flight attendant to wipe his bottom.
The flight attendant said: “This is really too much. The cabin crew are all female, and we don’t have a male team member. No one can help you.”
Pointing at the flight attendant, the passenger roared: “You promised to help me!”
“I promised to help you go to the toilet, not to wipe your butt!” the flight attendant replied.
“You promised me…what can I do if no one wipes my butt? Do you want me to stay in this toilet?” the passenger pleaded.
Finally, with passengers affected by the disturbance, the flight attendant donned three layers of surgical gloves to comply with the man’s requests. However, not satisfied with the clean-up operation, the “disgusting old white man” (Sanli News) kept saying “deeper, deeper!”
The flight attendant said that after the incident, she shut herself up in a toilet cubicle, vomited, and cried. The smell lingered, and could not be washed away.
To add insult to injury, after landing, a male ground crew took the man off the flight and asked him if he needed to use the bathroom. The passenger said “yes,” but when asked if he required assistance, replied, “No.”
The flight attendant said that the purpose of her post was to put her experience into words in the hope that the airline to protect employees, recruit more male flight attendants, and to prevent such passengers from boarding unattended in the future.

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Sources: United Daily News, SETN, Apple Daily, Now News.
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You took a picture of a black lady to illustrate a story about an old, fat, white man??????
No, I didn’t.
So you used a photo of a black woman to illustrate a fat white man? Explain your reasoning.
Are you too stupid to read the caption, PK? It clearly states that the taiwanese news outlet used the photo, not the author of this article.
“Picture chosen by EBC Network (Dongsen TV) to illustrate story about old, fat, white man.”
That was rude.
Are you just another White Trash? That has a big Ass ??
Clarification: There were two flight attendants directly involved in “handling” this passenger. The first was the author of the Instagram post who had to remove the man’s underwear. After he finished his business, she also helped hold him up, while a second FA, the Chief Purser, did the actual wiping.
Why you write such a misleading title and content of the report? The main concern of this case is the rudeness and humiliation instead of the white, fat, and old foreign butt! Are you trying to make this event looks like a discriminatory case? If you read the original post carefully and correctly, instead of being grateful for his service, this passenger took all of it for granted. Not only this, he even performed unbelievable impolite and domineering! Please make sure that any word on your report is according to the truth. Your misleading contend could hurt this attendant’s feeling again perhaps more severely.
The fat, old, white, foreigner parts were essential components of the Chinese language sources I accessed to write this report. I would be doing a disservice if I didn’t mention these essential elements of the story.
I’m not here to clean up the mess of Chinese-language media, nor to whitewash history.
Why you write such a misleading title and content of the report? The main concern of this case is the rudeness and humiliation instead of the white, fat, and old foreign butt! Are you trying to make this event looks like a discriminatory case? If you read the original post carefully and correctly, instead of being grateful for the service he got, this passenger took all of it for granted. Not only this, he even performed unbelievable impolite and domineering! Please make sure that any word on your report is according to the truth. Your misleading contend could hurt this attendant’s feeling again perhaps more severely.
It doesn’t matter what race or what size a person is – if s/he cannot attend to very personal (and disgusting) matters on their own, they should not be allowed to board a flight. Moreover, a flight from LA to Taipei is no mean feat for even the average person.
The passenger in question needs to pay restitution to the flight attendant – and needs to have his return flight cancelled. Find his own way home.
Well said.
The picture of the black lady should be removed. Avoid saying anything that is racial. Being white, bald, and old has nothing to do with the facts.
We live in a world of races and racists, but should avoid saying anything racial: OK.
This story should never have reached the newspaper. The flight attendant has the right to complain to her employers about this terrible ordeal who in turn should take the necessary steps to avoid such incidents occuring again. The passenger should never have been allowed on the flight without a personal assist accompaning him at his expense. It is the airline company to blame for the flight attendant’s embarrassing experience. But making this incident public in the newspapers makes the waters of this matter even murkier.
I have been living in Taiwan for about a year now and have told my friends back home about this wonderful country whose main asset is its citizens. I will have to rethink my attitude towards Taiwan. This newspaper report, with pictures, is disgusting. Phillip Charlier your name has been tarnished.
Sounds like you are a butthurt fat who cant handle the truth. Deal with it, this fat ass is a scumbag
I started in the newspaper business at 12 years old.
But no tree has been harmed in publishing Taiwan English News dot com.
So thank you for comparing it to a newspaper. The smell of newsprint arouses me, stimulates, and encourages me to go forward in my paperless office.
If you have only been in Taiwan for a year, and are willing to give up on it due to one little article by me… you are a snowflake.
Fake news, with all the real problems in Taiwan, this fake shit is what you choose to publish.
Fake fake fake fake fake
Not fake news.. the flight attendant made facebook post about it.
you must be a butthurt fatty who can’t handle the truth
Such a difference between media in the East and the West. “Fat, old, white man” – white people in the West haven’t been allowed to write headlines like that for decades. One of the stories on the main page is about the fattest man in Asia, no Western media outlet would dare run with “Fat yellow man” on the headline.
You sound like a fat white man
People in the West are also not allowed to treat flight attendants like that. The guy did it to Asian female flight attendants on purpose. He was taking advantage of Asian airlines and their flight attendants. When I was pregnant, I asked a flight attendant in the Unite Airline to help me lift my carryon to put on the overhead compartment. She refused it and told me that I should not bring the carryon if I couldn’t life it by myself. I wonder what the flight attendants in the western airlines would do if the guy asked them to wipe his butt.
He is fat, white, old, foreign indeed. And the point of this news is about how Taiwanese flight attendants got insulted! They are all mad and hurt.
And you people focus on the inappropriate headline? Really?
True event but the article were badly written. It filled with inappropriate words and lack objective view. What happened on the plane was totally unacceptable , but this article did not achieve intended purpose but quite the opposite .
first of all, “Picture chosen by EBC Network (Dongsen TV) to illustrate story about old, fat, white man.” is not a white man. and what’s the purpose you included this picture in the article????
To show how news is reported in Taiwan (Chinese language) media.
The man at the end of the story told the purser that he needs to go to the toilet and needs no help.
So , he can do it by himself.
So, he did what he did during the flight on purpose.
That’s gross.
Hit the nail on the head Anna. Just a dirty old pervert who sh would have been escorted away by the authorities once it became apparent he did not require the assistance he demanded.
Exactly!!! ?
Disgusting!!! If he can’t do anything by himself, why didn’t he have a caretaker?! Flight attendants are no there for these kind of things! Eeew! Disgusting man!!! No woman should have to see any man’s genitals/ass unless she wants to!!! Horrible horrible horrible! This is abuse!!!!
The airline check in staff should have checked on the possibility that the pax may need extra assistance throughout his flight. So he needs to have his personal nurse to accompany him.
What he had done to this female crew is rediculous, disgusting, I believe he did that on purpose, very domineering personality, shame !
So invilid old guy went to Taiwan and had a health problem en route. Supermodel pretending to be flight crew objected to having to go above and beyond the call of duty.
I take it they pillowcase old people in Taiwan because young people cant be bothered caring for the elderly?
You miss the whole point. These are flight attendants, not nurses. Second, he clearly could do it without assistant – he clearly said he needed to use toilet after landing and said he “does not need help” to the male assistant!! A lot of readers said the airline shouldn’t have allowed him on board without his own assistant. True, but that is only possible if he was clear and honest about his situation. Besides, the worst is that he took advantage of the situation that he was put in “business class” toilet. He clearly knows that the flight attendants would be forced to agree to his gross, humiliating and sexual hurrassing requests. Shame on the passenger! The person should be forever banned to on board any flights going forward. Really shockingly disgusting!!!
yeah why dun you fellow whites, clean his butt for him??
you guys think that you own Asia, but in the next century, we will repay you everything with interest.
enjoy the ride boys
Well most Taiwanese don’t have to worry about wiping fat people’s arses or old people because that’s the job description of a nurse. Flight attendants aren’t nurses.
What a pathetic fat man,
dun worry bro, this is already on weibo and many other Chinese media
Enjoy the downfall , enjoy the ride boys
I’m so happy you are translating the Chinese language Taiwan media’s comments. Taiwanese media always make racist comments like 洋腸、洋豬、噁洋人、噁白人etc. Also they frequently slander foreigners since most foreigners don’t realize Taiwan’s libel laws are very strict! To all the Taiwanese Netizens criticizing the author: If the Taiwanese media were not so racists these comments would not need to be translated, go complain to your media for turning this into a racial issue, and not somebody for simply translating.
The whiteboy tub of lard was racist as hell and yall know it. He wouldn’t do this crap to his own race and whites act like the most entitled savages in Asia and you whiteboys are mad about this getting news and making you look like the lawless savages you blame other races of being. Get over it and go back to your europid lands that are getting raped by Muslims, you crackkkers.
The whiteboy in this story blatantly took advantage of the Asian female flight attendants, just like the sexpat he is. Morally and physically disgusting beyond belief, and it’s amazingly low how whites (even posing as Asians online) are excusing this blatantly racist and sexist behavior. He is everything reddit’s r/hapas talks about. Hope Asia wakes up and kicks out ALL the white male sexpats scum once and for all. Go Trump on them right back, and build a forever wall to keep the white savages out, or exterminate them all from within.
Not a surprise that a sea of fat white neckbeards are flooding the comments protecting their fellow brother.
its their problem they accepted to do his wishes. They are obidient vatniks.
In American airlines Chinese doctor is beaten bloody for getting on his plane. In Taiwanese plane the air attendants clean the shit from a fucking white pig? Send him to the PRC and see what they do to assholes like this.
If this is a real story this guy sounds like a dirty old perv & the airline should have refused to sell him a ticket unless he had a carer to help him on the plane. It is not the flight attendants job to do that sort of thing, where the hell was the male attendants? Not that it’s their job either but they would of be a lot better than that poor woman.
it was an all female cabin crew. as stated in the FA’s Facebook post, apparently they dont hire male crew
Great read Phillip! You broke a story that’s being picked up by the press all over the world, so ignore your detractors.
Thanks, mate.
My skin is not so thick that I don’t appreciate some support.
Just one on my side, versus 10 on 1 retains my honor.
Quality vs. quantity, every time.
This is racist and a sexual harassment case
that man later transferred to Thailand
and we all know Thailand is known for sex tourists
Those who blame Philip need to get their hearts and brains checked
White man harasses Asian flight attendants based on ingrained stereotypes of Asian women and you b!tech about anti white racism? Priorities
What makes you think the fat, old, bald, disgusting, white man harassed flight attendants due to the flight attendants’ being “Asian?”
The man already had a precedent on American airlines: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/6508726/stephen-r-gambee-v-jet-blue-airways-corporation/
But Chinese language sources in Taiwan, and a lot of commentators here choose to choose the racist “white man taking advantage of racist stereotypes of Asian women” label.
The passenger was white, and the flight attendants were Asian: therefore it’s kinda like the Opium Wars all over again.
What was wrong with his left hand????
The truth is that fat people can’t wipe their own buts anyway. Their arms don’t reach around, so their buts are always dirty. He pulled a fast one.
Haha Oh my god the comments here are golden! And the broken English is even better!