Two officers slashed, suspect shot in Taipei City

Police officers shot a suspect twice in the legs as he attempted to escape after injuring two officers with a knife in Taipei City last night, July 14. Two police officers, Wen (溫), 32, and Lee (李), 20, were on patrol when they noticed a man behaving suspiciously at the corner of Juguang Road and Zhonghua Road at around 11:30pm. Police approached the suspect and identified him as a 30-year-old wanted man named Shen (沈). As the officers were preparing

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Cop who shot unarmed foreigner dead claims in defense: Couldn’t see blood for dark skin

A police officer who shot a naked, unarmed man dead in Hsinchu County two years ago pleaded in his defense yesterday that he did not notice the first four shots he fired at close range had penetrated the victim, because the man was “dark skinned”. The defendant’s statement in court was greeted by shudders, as the case already tainted by allegations of racism, unfolded in yesterday’s trial. On August 31, 2017, the young police officer, Chen Chung-wen (陳崇文), then 22

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9 shots fired by police in arrest of armed suspect in New Taipei City

Police officers fired nine shots at a suspect’s vehicle, wrested a gun out of the wanted man’s hands, then disarmed him again when he pulled a belt knife and cut an officers arm in Banqiao District, New Taipei City, today, May 5. At around 3:00pm, police officers approached a black BMW sedan illegally parked in Lane 188, Wenhua Road, and recognized a 36-year-old driver as a suspect named Yeh (葉), wanted on drugs charges. Yeh attempted to run the police

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Kaohsiung Police Fire 16 Shots: Arrest Armed Suspect

Sixteen shots were fired when a suspect about to be arrested pulled a pistol out of his backpack. The suspect was shot in the right arm, while an innocent bystander was hit by a stray bullet. At around 11:50am, police swooped on a residence in Qieding District of Kaohsiung City to arrest a 51 year-old man named Shang. Shang, who had a history of firearms and organized crime related offenses, including shootings, had been wanted by police for a long

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3 Police Officers Injured: Suspect Shot Dead in Tainan City

Police shot a suspect dead on a street in Tainan City this morning, after the wanted man attempted to escape in his car, dragging an officer who attempted to take his keys more than 15 meters. Police ambushed the man named Weng, as he finished breakfast at a restaurant on Hsimen Road at around 9:00am this morning. Weng, who was wanted on multiple charges including burglary and drugs offences, fled to his car and hit the ignition. A second man

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Police Shoot Suspect Dead in Kaohsiung City

Police opened fire on an armed suspect in Kaohsiung City this morning after the man allegedly aimed his gun at an officer and pulled the trigger. According to media reports, the gun jammed, and officers returned fire. One bullet hit the suspect who later died in hospital. United Daily News reported that police from the Public Safety Corps of the Kaohsiung City Police Department approached a suspicious car at around 3:30am in Sanmin District, and ordered the 3 male occupants

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Cop Who Shot Suspect Dead Exonerated

A police officer who shot a suspect dead in Wanhua District 5 years ago was acquitted after a court hearing in Taipei today. Taipei City Police Commissioner Chen Jia-Chang went to the Wanhua Police Bureau to congratulate the officer, and speaking to the media, Mr Chen thanked the judges for standing up for the benefit of society and making a decision fair to all parties. August 13, 2013, a suspected thief named Lee was stopped by police in Zhonghe District,

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Cops Petitioned Over Shooting of Vietnamese Man

Taiwan International Worker’s Alliance (TIWA) members gathered outside the National Police Agency this morning to protest the killing of a Vietnamese man in Hsinchu August 31. The protestors handed over a petition calling for the release of video evidence of the shooting, and demanding a thorough investigation and report. The 27 year-old Vietnamese man named Nguyen was shot 9 times by police officers after a member of the public reported that a naked man was seen damaging a vehicle and

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