Hornets nest removed after 4 hikers stung in New Taipei City mountain district

Specialist hornet catchers removed a nest of Asian Giant Hornets, after five hikers were stung in New Taipei City’s Ruifang District today. Keelung City Fire Department received a report at 10:46 am that three men and one woman were stung by hornets near the Tianwaitian Garden Cemetery. A 70-year-old man, a 64-year-old man, and a 60-year-old woman were taken to nearby hospitals for treatment. A 69-year-old man sought medical treatment on his own. The female hiker, named Liu was the

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Hornet attack on hiking group leaves 2 dead, 9 injured

Eleven people in a group of 20 hikers were stung by hornets in New Taipei City’s Ruifang District today, and four people were seriously injured. Two men lost vital signs and were declared dead after arrival at the hospital. The New Taipei City Fire Department received reports of the hornet attack at 11:38 am. Twenty ambulances and 51 personnel were dispatched to the trailhead. A command post was set up at the trailhead, and a rescue team was sent to

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Hiking group attacked by hornets: 5 airlifted to hospital

Five members of a hiking group were airlifted to hospital after they were stung by hornets in a mountain district of Hualien County today, Thursday. The 11-member group had just departed on the first day of a planned 3-day hike to Dahui Mountain, and Nanerzi Mountain when the hornet attack occurred at around 11:00 am, 3.5 kilometers from the carpark at the trailhead near Xilin Village, Wanrong Township. The team leader used a satellite phone to make contact with emergency

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More than 20 people stung by hornet swarm in Kaohsiung mountain district

Twenty-four people were stung, and 2 required hospitalization after a swarm of hornets attacked a group of 39 tourists in Kaohsiung City’s rural Namaxia District yesterday, October 31. The group of Kaohsiung City residents was visiting the Tangaanua Shrine as part of a tour of the Bunun indigenous people’s traditional culture when a child was stung by a Asian giant hornet at around 10:30 am. The frantic actions of the child attempting to wave the hornet away is believed to

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Tips on how to survive a hornet attack issued by Council of Agriculture

The Council of Agriculture issued advice on how to respond if attacked by hornets, in order to reduce the chance of serious injury from the potentially deadly insects. Taiwan is home to the world’s largest hornet, the Asian giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia), as well as other less, but still potentially dangerous, species of the Vespa genus. The COA quoted it’s advice from a workplace health and safety booklet “Outdoor Work Hornet Attack Prevention Manual.” The issue was in response to

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Police officer stayed calm while giant hornet chewed into his ear

A police officer remained calm, and endured a Asian giant hornet gnawing into the flesh and cartilage of his ear for five minutes in order to avoid being stung, yesterday, December 5. Zhang Wen-long (張文勇), 51, was on duty at the Dajia River Power Plant at around 9:00 am, when the Asian giant hornet landed on the side of his face. Realizing the danger of being stung in the temple by the venomous insect, Zhang remained calm and avoided swiping

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