Kaohsiung City Speaker dies after mayor defeated in recall election

Kaohsiung City Speaker Hsu Kun-yuan (許崑源) was found dead this evening, June 6, after his party suffered a severe defeat in an election to recall the mayor. Hsu, 63, is believed to have fallen from his 17th-floor apartment. The recalled mayor, Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜) , was shocked and saddened by Hsu’s death, Liberty Times reported, and called on his supporters to calm down. “Politics is temporary; life still has to go on,” Han said. Hsu’s brother Hsu Kun-long was a

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Han supporter Facebook page switches allegiance to Tsai Ing-wen amid spy scandal and corruption allegations

A Facebook fan page for KMT Presidential candidate Han Kuo-yu switched allegiance to incumbent DPP President Tsai Ing-wen in recent days, and the founder has alleged that they suspect the original sponsor may have been a Chinese agent. According to a report by FTV News (Formosa Television), the sponsor had originally paid NT5,000 per month for the page supporting Han Kuo-yu. The sponsor had contacted the writer by phone and had a heavy Chinese accent, a spokesperson for the page

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Media Abuzz about possible Arnold Schwarzenegger visit to Kaohsiung City

Taiwan’s news media, abuzz with rumors about a famous Hollywood celebrity visit to Kaohsiung since comments made by the mayor-elect on December 18, is reporting that Arnold Schwarzenegger is slated to make a speech in the city in March 2019. Last week, mayor-elect Han Kuo-yu ( 韓國瑜), sparked media interest when he told reporters that an internationally renowned person from Hollywood will speak in Kaohsiung in March. Today, Pan Heng-Hsu (潘恆旭), the incoming Kaohsiung City Government Tourism Bureau director, who

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