Scooter rider narrowly escapes death after 8 ton steel coil falls off truck

A scooter rider suffered only minor bruising after a steel coil weighing around eight tons fell off the back of a truck and bowled his scooter over in Kaohsiung City, yesterday, July 30.

According to reports, at around 3:55 pm, a flatbed truck with trailer carrying four steel coils was passing through the intersection of Gaofeng Road and Kongfeng Road in Xiaogang District when one of the coils rolled off the back of the truck.

steel coil seen falling off truck and hitting road

The coil flipped end-to-end several times before hitting a scooter ridden by a man stopped in the left-turn waiting area of the intersection.

The 43-year-old rider, named Pan, managed to jump off the scooter as it was bowled out from under him. Pan avoided being hit by the coil of rolled sheet steel, and suffered only minor bruising to his legs.

The driver of the truck, Mr Liang, quickly stopped his truck at the scene following the incident. Under the Road Traffic Management Act, Liang will be fined between NT$3,000 and NT$18,000 for failing to properly secure his load.

scooter rider after being hit by 8 ton steel coil
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