`Roid rage? Champion bodybuilder smashes up convenience store, injures two police officers

Media outlets and social media users have dubbed a man “Taiwan’s version of the Hulk” after he went into a rage in a convenience store in Taoyuan City, damaging property, and attacking a clerk and police officers who attempted to calm him down.
According to reports, the 28-year-old champion body builder and fitness coach, named Zhu, entered a 7-11 convenience store in Zhongli District, dressed only in shorts at around 9:00 am this morning. The convenience store clerk called police after he became frightened by Zhu’s ranting, expressing suicidal thoughts, and throwing objects.
When police arrived, Zhu became more agitated, and was seen crouching and bellowing like the Incredible Hulk before throwing punches at the police officers. One officer suffered a slight concussion, and another was bruised on the face.

Police used pepper spray in self-defense and finally restrained Zhu and put him in handcuffs.
Zhu also suffered an injury during his arrest and was sent to the hospital to have a cut to his forehead disinfected and dressed before being taken to the police station.
Police say that after questioning, Zhu will be sent to the District Prosecutor’s Office to be charged with offences including, causing injury, causing damage, and obstructing officials.
While rumors circulated on social media suspecting that Zhu was suffering from “`roid rage,” SETN News reported that Zhu is a professional member of the World Natural Body Building Federation. The WNBBF boasts that “the backbone of our reputation is the strict adherence to stringent drug testing. We place the highest importance on ensuring that athletes are drug-free, so as to ensure fair competition at each and every event Worldwide.”

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