Police Rescue Man About to Be Buried Alive

Police in Nantou County yesterday found a man wrapped in a plastic bag with eyes glued shut in the trunk of a car during a drug search. The man told police that he was being taken to the mountains to be buried alive.
Changhua criminal investigators working on a drug trafficking case went to Nantou County yesterday and waited outside a residential building ready to ambush two suspects named Huang and Chen.
When the suspects appeared, police blocked their car as they attempted to exit the carpark, and began searching the car for drugs.
When the officers opened the trunk, they were astonished to find a man who had obviously been badly beaten up. The man was tied up and wrapped in a plastic bag with only his head exposed. His face was badly swollen, and his eyes glued shut with contact adhesive.
Police rushed the man to hospital where doctors managed to open one of the man’s eyes. It is not known whether he will regain his eyesight due to damage by the glue.
The kidnap victim told police that he owed Huang NT$5000 after a deal about a mobile phone, and that Huang and Chen intended to bury him alive in the mountains. Police suspect the dispute is probably over drug money and are continuing investigations.
Sources: Liberty Times Network, Apple Daily. Video: TVBS.
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