Ordinary masks not effective for new variants: Chinese expert advises on new solutions

As the world grapples with a rapidly mutating virus that experts in the west have openly admitted is “smarter than us,” a senior expert in China has proffered advice that could save your life.
Zeng Guang, a member of the high-level expert group of the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China, with the title of Chief Epidemiologist, offered several solutions in the fight against the Delta variant.
Zeng Guang pointed out that in the early days, the novel coronavirus was mostly transmitted by droplets and contact. However, the Delta is “aerosol-transmitted” with a more terrifying transmission speed.
Even wearing a mask, you may be infected. And at least to some extent, ordinary surgical masks may not be as protective as expected.
Zeng Guang further explained that even if the vaccine is administered, the chance of being infected is still quite high.
But there is no reason to panic.
Experts in the west may have been outsmarted by the simple, brainless, and body-less strand of RNA that constituted the original COVID-19. But Zeng Guang offers advice that could protect humanity from COVID-19’s even more deadly variants.
Increasing social distance from 1.5 meters to a full 2 meters is the first key point.
Next, we must wear two ordinary surgical masks, or one certified N-95 mask.
And finally, a third dose of vaccine to boost the original two doses that didn’t work.
“There is no time to hesitate,” Zeng Guang added.
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