Hundreds of Birds Killed by Rat Poison in Chiayi County

A farmer was arrested in Shuishang township, Chiayi County, yesterday, after more than 250 dead birds were found around a rice field. The man admitted that he had spread poison grain in order to kill rats and mice that were feeding on his crop.
Police started an investigation after it was reported that hundreds of dead birds had been found April 30. A 40 year-old man named Huang was taken in for questioning last night. He admitted that he had spread grain mixed with pesticides, but said that he was not targeting birds with the bait. Mr Huang faces charges for violating the Wildlife Conservation Act.
The poison grain had been spread on tilled soil that had been prepared for sowing, but Huang said that he didn’t know the grain would attract birds.
Affected bird species included Doves, pigeons, and sparrows.
Head of the Chiayi County Department of Agriculture and Conservation, Shi Huiling (石蕙菱), said that poisoning wildlife carries a fine of between NT$60,000 and NT$300,000. Violators may also face a prison sentence of between 6 months and 5 years.
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