Family seeks answers after Taiwanese infectious disease expert’s sudden death in America

The family of a US-resident retired Taiwanese doctor who became unwell after receiving the third dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, then died, has opened a Go Fund Me page to raise money for an autopsy to determine the cause of his death.

The death of Wang Wei-sheng, MD, the former Director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Mackay Memorial Hospital has deeply shocked Taiwan’s medical community.

“Infectious disease senior Doctor Wang found dead at home in America after complete vaccination: I hope it’s not true!” Dr Su Yifeng, a thoracic surgeon at Yangming Hospital wrote on Facebook. Many other medical professionals left messages expressing sorrow and condolences in response to Dr Su’s post.

According to news reports, and the Wang family’s Go Fund Me page, Doctor Wang felt unwell after receiving the third shot of the Pfizer BioNTech on September 2.

“My dad received his BNT vaccine in the beginning of September and he felt very dizzy for a few days. He even [fell down] the stairs because of his dizziness,” Ashley Wang wrote on the Go Fund Me page “Autopsy For My Dad’s Sudden Death & Memorial Fund.”

Doctor Wang Wei-sheng.
Doctor Wang Wei-sheng MD.

Doctor Wang, known as “a hero in the war against SARS,” was found dead on his living room sofa September 16, according to EBC News. As Dr Wang had no medical history of chronic disease, his family suspected that his death was related to the vaccine. However, as the family had only recently emigrated to the United States, Dr Wang had no health insurance, and the forensic doctor refused to carry out an autopsy.

Dr Wang’s family are seeking to raise funds to cover the cost of an autopsy and funeral expenses.

On September 17, a US FDA vaccine advisory panel rejected 16-2 a plan for the widespread use of “booster shots” championed by the Biden administration, citing a lack of data on safety as well as lack of evidence concerning their value.

The Biden administration plan had been originally proposed by pharmaceutical giant and manufacturer of the BioNTech vaccine, Pfizer.
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6 thoughts on “Family seeks answers after Taiwanese infectious disease expert’s sudden death in America

  • October 20, 2021 at 9:44 pm

    This news is not being reported anywhere else. It is possibly a fraud being used to raise money!!! Please confirm this story because it seems someone is raising money, almost $80,000 dollars so far on Gofundme!!

    • October 21, 2021 at 10:50 am

      This story has been widely reported in Taiwan’s Chinese language press. Many of Dr Wang’s friends in the medical community here have confirmed and commented on the story.

      The fact that this story has not been reported in the international corporate media is testament to a completely different kind of fraud – a fraud perpetrated on humanity.

      • November 5, 2021 at 11:00 pm

        You may be right but then what did the autopsy show? Story doesn’t make sense, autopsies of unexpected deaths are usually funded by the State, not a burden to the family. Even if true, more than 10x the needed money was raised and ample time has passed, yet no report on the results. Anti-vaccine people are using this story, short on so many details, to cause more vaccine hesitancy, real harm is being done. If indeed vaccine related, also helpful to share so Pfizer can investigate. If not vaccine related, Dr.Wang as an ID expert would no doubt be horrified his death is being used to cause people to not be vaccinated.

        Utmost condolences to the Wang family, but please please provide transparent update.

      • November 5, 2021 at 11:12 pm

        This may indeed be true, and utmost condolences to the Wang family for their tragic loss.

        Can you provide an update however? It’s been more then enough time for an autopsy and more than 10x the required amount was raised. If indeed the death was caused by the vaccine, public needs to know as does Pfizer so appropriate next steps can be taken. If it wasn’t caused by the vaccine (people die all the time for various reasons, could have been true-true but unrelated/coincidental) then that is also important to know as this is causing vaccine hesitancy in many and being used by some anti-vaccine people with an agenda. Dr. Wang, as an virus Infectious Disease expert would no doubt be horrified to know his death is causing harm by having people not be vaccinated and having preventable COVID long term side effects or death.

        Also curious is something doesn’t add up is why the autopsy was not performed by the State, typically State will investigate unexpected deaths at no cost to family as it is in interest of public health, esp if the concern it as due to vaccine was raised. Doesn’t make any sense.

  • November 5, 2021 at 11:14 pm

    This may indeed be true, and utmost condolences to the Wang family for their devastating loss.

    Can you provide an update however? It’s been more then enough time for an autopsy and more than 10x the required amount was raised. If indeed the death was caused by the vaccine, public needs to know as does Pfizer so appropriate next steps can be taken. If it wasn’t caused by the vaccine (people die all the time for various reasons, could have been true-true but unrelated/coincidental) then that is also important to know as this is causing vaccine hesitancy in many and being used by some anti-vaccine people with an agenda. Dr. Wang, as an virus Infectious Disease expert would no doubt be horrified to know his death is causing harm by having people not be vaccinated and having preventable COVID long term side effects or death.

    Also curious is something doesn’t add up is why the autopsy was not performed by the State, typically State will investigate unexpected deaths at no cost to family as it is in interest of public health, esp if the concern it as due to vaccine was raised. Doesn’t make any sense.


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