Two gravel truck drivers dead after head-on collision on Coastal Highway

Both drivers died after two gravel trucks collided on the Northern Coastal Highway in New Taipei City this morning, December 31. According to Ruifang Police Precinct, two gravel trucks travelling in opposite directions crashed head on at 5:50 am at the 118.8 kilometer mark in Gongliao District. The impact of the crash left both truck cabins severely mangled with the two drivers trapped in the wreckage. The 24-year-old driver of one of the trucks, named Lin, was “obviously dead” when

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1 dead, 3 injured, after out of control car mounts sidewalk in New Taipei City

An elderly woman selling vegetables on the roadside died, and two pedestrians were injured, after a driver accidentally stepped on the gas, sending his car careering onto the sidewalk in Xindian District, New Taipei City, this evening, December 28. According to reports in Liberty Times, and United Daily News, at around 5:50 pm, a 70-year-old man, named Zheng, stopped his car to allow his wife to exit to purchase some vegetables. Zheng was preparing to execute a U-turn when his

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Drunk driver plows into pedestrians on zebra crossing, leaving 1 dead, 3 injured in Kaohsiung City

One person died and three were injured after a drunk driver hit a family of 4 using a pedestrian crossing in Kaohsiung City this evening, December 26. Witnesses said that a BMW sedan was travelling very fast when it hit the three women and one man in an area crowded with people who had just left a Christmas market on the banks of the Love River in Qianjin District at around 7:20 pm. A 37-year-old woman, named Fan, lost vital

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Vehicular gymnastics: car flips over and makes perfect landing in Taichung City

A driver walked away from a traffic accident with minor bruises after her car rolled over 360 degrees, and landed on its wheels, after a collision at an intersection in Taichung City, Tuesday, December 7. Police received a report of a traffic accident at the intersection of Wulang Street and Guihe Street in Taichung’s West District at 10:45 am. The police report said that an SUV driven by a 46-year-old woman named Wang hit an SUV driven by a 46-year-old

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South African man killed in traffic accident in Hualien County

A South African man died of his injuries after being hit by a car while riding an electric scooter in Hualien County today, Monday, December 6. A United Daily News report included a video which showed the man, reported to be in his 70s, riding through an intersection against a red light in Ji’an Township when he was hit by a car at high speed. The impact of the crash threw the man through the air for more than 10

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Police officer on duty dies in traffic accident in Taichung City

A police officer riding a scooter while on duty in Taichung City, died after running into a car that crossed double white lines, yesterday, December 1. The 39-year-old officer, named Han, was passing a gas station on Huanzhong Road in Xitun District at around 4:00 pm when a 25-year-old woman, named Chiang, drove straight from a left-turn only lane, and crossed double white lines to get to the gas station. Han appears to have been unable to stop in time,

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21-year-old woman dies after driver loses control of sports car

One person died, and one was slightly injured, after the driver of an Audi R8 “supercar” lost control of the vehicle in wet and rainy conditions in New Taipei City yesterday, November 27. The 28-year-old driver, named Huang, was taking a 21-year-old female friend, named Weng, to have dinner in Taipei City when he lost control of the 602 horsepower performance coupe, and crashed into a utility pole at the intersection of Kangning Street and Cuifeng Street in Xizhi District,

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Out of control gravel truck leaves wake of destruction: 2 dead, 4 injured

The driver of a gravel truck and one other person died after the truck veered into oncoming traffic before crashing into an abandoned factory building in Taoyuan City this morning. According to reports, the driver, a 48-year-old man named Shi, lost control of the truck on Zhongzheng East Road near the Dayuan Interchange at 6:44 am. Traffic monitor footage shows the truck suddenly veering over a traffic island into oncoming traffic lanes, and hitting two cars before crashing into a

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7 injured in freeway accident: just one of more than 5.5k incidents of “not paying attention” so far this year

Seven people were sent to hospital after a car slammed into the back of a broken down vehicle on the Zhongshan Freeway this morning, and it was just one of more than 5,500 cases of “failing to pay attention to traffic conditions in front of the vehicle” so far this year, the National Highway Police Bureau said. The Chiayi County Fire Department dispatched a total of six vehicles, including four ambulances after receiving reports of the accident at 12:28 am

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Gravel truck driver dies in fire after crashing into chemical tanker

The driver of a gravel truck died after he was trapped in the burning cabin of his vehicle following a collision with a chemical tanker in Hsinchu City today, November 19. The driver of a chemical tanker carrying liquid ammonia was slowing to a stop for a red light on the West Coast Highway when a gravel truck driven by a 72-year-old man, named Chen, plowed into his vehicle from behind. The violent impact caused the tanker to tip over

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Rider dead, motorcycle embedded in car after high-speed crash

A motorcyclist died after slamming into a car at high speed on a coastal highway in Pingtung County today, November 18. Traffic cam footage of the accident showed the driver of a Mercedes Benz sedan pulling out into traffic from a car park before a rider on a heavy motorcycle slammed into the vehicle without signs of braking on Provincial Highway 1 in Fangshan Township at 2:23 pm. The impact of the motorcycle hitting the car caused the car to

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