Japan Establishes New Military Outpost Near Taiwan

Japan brought a new radar installation online yesterday March 28, on Yonaguni Island just 111 kilometers from the port of Su’ao on Taiwan’s east coast. The installation will be manned by a contingent of 160 soldiers. Yonaguni Island has a population of around 1,500 and is part of the YaeYama group of Islands of Okinawa Prefecture. First annexed by Japan in 1879, it was occupied by the USA from 1945 until 1972. Construction of the military surveillance facilities began in

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Chinese Autonomous Region Rocked by Bombings

Liucheng County, in China’s southern Guangxi Autonomous Region, suffered a series of 15 bombings targeting various public, mostly government buildings, leaving 7 dead so far and more than 50 injured, many of them fighting for their life. The bombs began detonating at around 3.50 pm local time and targets included a shopping mall, prison, a county government office, supermarket, transport station, hospital, staff dormitory, vegetable market and center for disease control. The government has denied that it was a terrorist attack, and

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