6 people on one scooter spotted in Taipei City

A family of six was seen riding a scooter across Bailing Bridge in Taipei City, December 7, and some YouTube viewers suggested that the government should give them a free SUV.

Dashcam footage uploaded to a popular YouTube channel showed two adults and four children crammed onto the motorcycle as it headed into Shilin District.

Assumed to be a man and wife, two children stood on the floorboard, while a toddler sat between the adults, and the mother held a baby in arms.

Watched by more than 10,000 people so far, comments included a suggestion that, with four children, the government should provide the couple with an award, and a free SUV. The comment stemmed from the fact that Taiwan has a notoriously low birthrate, with the government struggling to find incentives for couples to have more children.

Police, however, did not look so lightly at the incident, saying that the overloading of the motorcycle was dangerous, and illegal. The driver responsible could be liable to a fine between NT$300, and NT$600 (US$10.80 – US$21.60).

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One thought on “6 people on one scooter spotted in Taipei City

  • December 10, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    “….the government struggling to find incentives for couples to have more children.” WHAT??? Have more children? How? They’re enticing and coercing and maybe even forcing people of child-bearing age to “take the poison” which has been proven to adversely affect fertility in males and females, and now they’re even doing the same with young children. Let’s be honest…..


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