Workers at Taiwanese factory in Vietnam knock down gates and leave after being locked in for COVID tests

Hundreds of workers at a Taiwanese-owned factory in Vietnam knocked down the steel gate and went home after being locked in for COVID screening after an employee tested positive, Saturday, July 10.

While some reports paint a picture of workers panicking and fleeing in fear after hearing that one of their coworkers was infected, it appears that the workers actually knocked down the gates and went home after being sealed in for mandatory COVID testing at the end of a day’s work.

“Hundreds of workers at a Taiwanese-run firm in Binh Duong knocked down the factory gate and escaped after hearing a colleague had tested positive for the novel coronavirus,” claimed English language VN Express.

“Hundreds of workers in the factory panicked on hearing about the coronavirus positive case. They rushed out, knocking down the factory gate in their desperation to flee,” VN Express reported.

However, Vietnam language news outlet Báo Người Lao Động reported that workers knocked down the gate and fled after the company “asked the workers to stay to take samples for a screening test.”

According to reports, the Bau Bang health agency in Binh Duong Province found a couple positive for SARS-COV-2 on July 10, and subsequently tested the couple’s daughter who works for Taiwanese-owned Ampacs International. After the Ampacs employee tested positive, two factories owned by the company shut their gates with the employees still inside, and demanded the workers stay until they have been tested for coronavirus.

But the workers at the Ampacs International factory in the Bau Bang Industrial Park, which was not the factory where the positive COVID case was found, were not cooperative.

Video footage of the incident shows that hundreds of workers gathered and used collective force to push the retractable steel gate off its tracks until they were able to squeeze through the gap.

The video shows that the workers were obviously locked in the factory grounds against their will. Not only was the gate locked, a chord is seen stretched across the gate entrance with a red sign (undecipherable in video).

It can also be seen in the video and pictures of the incident that it was early evening when the workers decided to leave the factory and go home.

Both the English and Vietnamese language reports say that workers returned the next day for testing and that operations are now back to normal.

Ampacs International is a manufacturer of headsets with close to 6,000 workers in Vietnam.

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One thought on “Workers at Taiwanese factory in Vietnam knock down gates and leave after being locked in for COVID tests

  • July 12, 2021 at 12:21 pm

    People have never had to be “tested” for influenza, which seems to have completely…and miraculously….disappeared with the advent of “this new thing.”And the “test” they use (CPR) has been described by the man who devised it as “unsuitable for any medical diagnostic purpose.” Now why would they be using it for that ANYWAY?


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