Woman not charged for importing hemp seed oil: Doctor prescribed it

Prosecutors cleared a woman suspected of drug trafficking after receiving hemp seed oil sent by her daughter from the USA, because she had been legally prescribed CBD by her doctor.
According to reports in Liberty Times and United Daily News, customs officials intercepted a package containing two bottles of hemp seed oil, leading to an investigation by the Customs Investigation Bureau, who believed that importing the substance violated the law, as it was a marijuana extract.
However, prosecutor’s found that the 61-year-old woman, who suffered from a rare neurological disease had been prescribed the CBD oil by her doctor, and that although the oil is not available for purchase in Taiwan, it is still legally prescribable.
The doctor’s prescription contained the information that hemp seed oil contained CBD, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, and can be used for relieving the symptoms of her condition.
Prosecutors found that the Ministry of Health and Welfare has stated that people can be prescribed CBD after a medical evaluation and diagnosis. Those prescribed CBD can apply for personal import of cannabidiol drugs for personal use. However, no one has ever applied, according to United Daily News.
Although the woman had not applied for personal import, there was no intent to import illegal drugs, prosecutors decided.
The United Daily News report pointed out that cannabidiol is one of almost 100 active ingredients in the cannabis plant. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-oxidant, anti-emetic, anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic, and other benefits.
Cover picture: authorized for re-use by Chemist 4 U
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