Two Indian students drown in Chiayi County

Two Indian exchange students were declared dead at the hospital after they took a late night swim and drowned in a pond nearby their university dormitory early this morning in Chiayi County.
According to United Daily News, Chiayi County Fire Bureau received a report at 2:44pm, from a location in Dalin Township, and rushed to the rescue. However, when paramedics arrived the two men had been pulled out of the pond by their companions, but had lost breathing and heartbeat.
Efforts to resuscitate the men failed, and they were declared dead after being taken to Chiayi Christian Hospital, and Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital.
The two men were both 21 years old, and were exchange students at Nanhua University.
According to reports, a group of Indian students had gathered at the pond-side in Shanglin Village and were chatting at the location, when three men decided to take a dip. One of the men returned to shore, but the other two got into difficulties in the 5-meter-deep lake.
The two students were on a one-semester exchange program, and were due to return to India June 13. Nanhua University expressed its deep regret, and are assisting the students’ families to come to Taiwan, as well as providing counseling to other students affected.

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Sources: United Daily News, Liberty Times Network, ET Today, China Times. Cover picture: Fire Bureau.
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