Toddler survives fall from 4th floor apartment

A two-year-old boy survived a fall from a window on the 4th floor, after crashing through an awning on the first floor of a residential building in Puli Township, Nantou County, yesterday, December 5.

According to reports, the boy’s mother was hanging up the washing on the balcony when he opened a window by himself and fell. The toddler’s older brother said that he had wanted to see the garbage truck (in Taiwan garbage trucks play loud music and have flashing lights).

Passersby were alerted by a loud crashing sound and the boy’s crying, and called 119.

Fire Department paramedics responding to a report at 6:21 pm, found the boy conscious, with abrasions on his arms, legs, hands, and feet. He did not appear to have any obvious serious injury.

However, paramedics took the boy to the Puli Christian Hospital, where a medical examination found that he may be suffering from an intracranial hemorrhage. The injured child was then transferred to China Medical University Hospital in Taichung City for further treatment.

hole in awning after toddler crashed through it

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