Toddler survives fall from 32nd-floor apartment

A three-year-old girl fell from the 32nd floor of a high-rise residential building in Taichung City, Wednesday, December 8, and survived after landing in a safety net on the second floor.
According to reports in United Daily News, the toddler fell from her family’s residence on Zhongxing Road in South District shortly after 1:00 pm.
The Taichung City Fire Department received a report of the incident at 1:19 pm and dispatched one fire truck, one ambulance, and 6 personnel to rescue the child. Firefighters found the girl stuck in the safety net, fully conscious, and with no obvious injury. The girl was rushed to the Chung Shan Medical University Hospital for a medical examination and is currently being kept under observation.

According to the reports, the toddler was in the care of her grandmother at the time. However, the grandmother had gone to the roof of the building to hang up the washing when the girl fell, and could not explain how the accident occured.
Police, and the Taichung City Social Welfare Bureau are currently investigating the accident.
According to Article 51 of the Child and Juvenile Welfare and Rights Protection Act, children under the age of six or in need of special care must not be left alone or taken care of by inappropriate persons. Parents or caregivers who violate the regulations may be liable to a fine NT$3,000 to NT$15,000.
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