Teen arrested after firing thirty shots on busy street in broad daylight in New Taipei City

A 17-year-old male was arrested on the spot after he fired 30 shots at a trading company in Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City this morning, January 29, just 50 meters away from a police station.

At around 11:00am, the gunman, named Chen, stood outside the trading company on Huacheng Road, aimed at the interior, and emptied a 15 round magazine. Chen then inserted a second 15 round magazine and fired another 15 shots into the building.

Police officers at a police station just 50 meters away heard the shots and went out to investigate. On seeing the officers, Chen threw his handgun on the ground and ran. Two officers chased Chen, drew their pistols, and fired warning shots into the air. Chen squatted down and surrendered.

After his arrest, Chen told police that he owed a gambling debt to the owner of the trading company, but believed that he had been swindled by the man.

Fortunately, there were no casualties, as the bullets only hit boxes of goods in the ground floor storeroom.

Forensics investigators located 30 spent bullet casings and a modified pistol at the scene.

Police are suspicious about Chen’s statements, and are investigating the possibility that gangsters hired the underage gunman in order to intimidate the company owner.

trading company crime scene
Scene of a shooting incident in Xinzhuang District, January 29, 2019. Picture: China Times.

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Sources: Apple Daily, ET Today, China Times.

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