Tamsui Light Rail to start Trial Operations next Month

[Picture: Taipei Metro.]

The Danhai Light Rail, the newest extension of New Taipei City’s Metro system, will begin operating to the public in December this year, after New Taipei City Mayor Eric Chu and a delegation of officials and local government representatives took a test ride this morning, November 29.

Mayor Chu expressed satisfaction with the system, saying that the levels of comfort and stability are very high. “In addition to art installations inside the stations, passengers can enjoy the scenery of the Tamsui River and Guanyin Mountain,” the mayor said.

Although the opening of the line is still subject to Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) approval, the mayor said that starting trial operations next month is the city’s goal. “All citizens are looking forward to it,” Chu said.

The Danhai Light Rail, consisting of two lines – the sea line, and mountain line – consists of surface and elevated sections along a 13.99 kilometer route with a total of 20 stations.

Construction of the line began in 2014, with the rolling stock the first to be manufactured in Taiwan in partnership with the German engineering company Voith Engineering Services.

Taipei Metro said that the Danhai Light Rail is the first light rail system to operate in northern Taiwan. The initial operation will begin on a 7.3 kilometer section with 11 stations and a basic fare of NT$20.

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