Taiwan’s Ministry of Truth calls bent-banana theory fake news

A message circulating on social media claiming that bent bananas are sweeter and more nutritious than their straight counterparts is fake news, the Taiwan Fact Check Center insists.

The idea that washing the banana skin, or wrapping foil around the stem will prolong the shelf life of the popular yellow fruit is also false, the official fact-checkers added.

The Fact Check Report issued by Taiwan’s version of George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth, issued on September 15, refuted the rumor that bent bananas accumulated more sugars, and were therefore sweeter and more nutritious.

Experts say that whether the banana is bent or straight mainly relates to the variety of banana and its growing season, and it is not recommended that people judge the quality of bananas based on bentness or straightness, the Fact Check Center said.

In another caveat, experts advised that people should not buy too many bananas at the same time, and only buy enough bananas that one may consume within 2-3 days, especially in summer time when temperatures are high.

The Fact Check Center did not mention the current climate change emergency.

And no mention was made at the fact-checking center about various corporate media organizations reporting deaths among elderly people suffering from chronic diseases as “died of COVID-19,” despite the fact that the CDC has specifically made clear that deaths among people testing positive for COVID-19 include all causes of death, including COVID-19.

The fact-checking center also did not mention that no clinical evidence for anyone actually dying from COVID-19 has been provided because anybody suspected of dying from the suspected infectious agent must be cremated within 24 hours with no autopsy required.

The CDC says "deaths among COVID-19 cases, but the media reports "died of COVID-19."
A completely random picture of people dressed in banana suits on advice of the World Health Organization in Africa.
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