Taiwanese man creates culinary masterpiece: cockroach omelet

A man in Taiwan has been experimenting with eating cockroaches, and shared recipe ideas with members of culinary art Facebook group.

Sun Kuocheng was interviewed by China Times after a video of him consuming a cockroach omelet went viral on social media. Sun said that when he first shared his ideas for cockroach omelet with the culinary art Facebook group, other members didn’t believe that he actually ate cockroaches, so he made the video as proof that cockroaches could really be enjoyed as food.

Sun said that he bred Dubia cockroaches at home as food for his pet reptiles. Recently, the cockroaches have been breeding too quickly, and his pets could not keep up, so he thought about consuming the insects himself. After doing a little research on the Internet, Sun came up with the idea of using the cockroaches in an omelet.

They don’t have a strange smell, have a slight mushroom flavor, and taste something like shrimp with the shell on, Sun said.

Sun said that he has been consuming the cockroaches for several days, and could feel changes in his body. There were no specifics about the nature of the changes in the China Times report, but Sun said that he feels very full and doesn’t need to eat much food. The cockroaches are just a kind of insect, and shouldn’t be feared, Sun said, adding that they are high in protein and low in fat.

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