5 athletes collapse during Taipei Marathon: 3 required resuscitation after losing vital signs

Five athletes collapsed during the Taipei Marathon event this morning, and were rushed to hospital, at least three having lost vital signs, requiring Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The race started at Taipei City Hall at 6:30 am with the temperature at 13°C, and humidity at 62%. According to reports, a 50-year-old female collapsed, unconscious, on Renai Road, Section 2 at 7:28 am, and was rushed to National Taiwan University Hospital. At 7:43 am, a 41-year-old man collapsed and was also rushed

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28,000 run in 2020 Taipei City Marathon: #Dare to Breathe

Taipei City held the 2020 marathon today, despite COVID restrictions, using the theme “#Dare to Breathe.” Taipei City Mayor Ke Wen-je said that it was probably the only large-scale city marathon to held in the world this year, thanking epidemic prevention staff for making it possible. A total of 37,000 people registered for the event, with just 28,000 accepted using a lottery system. Eight-thousand ran the full marathon, while 20,000 ran the half-marathon event. Twelve elite foreign athletes were invited

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