An intense day of Chinese-US military maneuvers around Taiwan

US and Chinese military activity around Taiwan intensified April 7, with a US aircraft carrier group exercising in the South China Sea, a Chinese aircraft carrier group operating in waters east of Taiwan, a US destroyer transiting the Taiwan Strait, and Taiwan fighters scrambled against 15 Chinese aircraft entering Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). The Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning, accompanied by a type 055 destroyer, two type 052 destroyers, a type 054 frigate, and a supply ship sailed though

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China launches third 075 class amphibious assault ship: could be used for military invasion of Taiwan

The People’s Republic of China launched its third 075 class amphibious assault ship today, January 29, and the ships may be part of a plan to eventually carry out a military assault on Taiwan, according to some sources. Beijing’s communist mouthpiece Global Times reported today that the third 075 amphibious assault ship was launched from the Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard in Shanghai, noting that the three warships launched so far were manufactured at “an astonishing speed.” “The country has cleared technical difficulties

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US Aircraft Carrier group entered the South China Sea same day as Chinese military sent 13 aircraft into Taiwan ADIZ

The US Navy announced today that the USS Theodore Roosevelt entered the South China Sea yesterday, the same day that Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) said that jets had been scrambled in response to incursions into Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) by 13 Chinese military planes. US Indo-Pacific Command said today, Sunday, January 24, that the Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group (TRCSG) entered the South China Sea, January 23, to conduct “routine operations.” “The TRCSG is on a

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PLA Navy, Air Force “expels trespassing” US Navy ship in the South China Sea

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) announced that it had deployed naval and air forces to expel an American guided-missile destroyer that had “trespassed” into Chinese territory near the Spratly Islands today, December 22. PLA Air Force Colonel Tian Kai-jun, spokesperson for the Southern Theater of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army made the announcement on Chinese social media site WeChat this afternoon. Tian wrote that the USS John S. McCain had trespassed into waters adjacent to China’s Nansha Islands and

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Taiwan scrambles jets 17 times as China buzzes island in anger at US official’s visit

Jets were scrambled from air bases around Taiwan at least 17 times this morning after multiple incursions into Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) by Chinese military aircraft. The Chinese Communist Party has expressed its anger over the visit of US Undersecretary for Economic Affairs, Keith Krach, marking the highest level official to visit Taiwan since the US broke diplomatic relations in 1979. China’s Defense Ministry spokesperson Ren Guoqiang announced this morning that combat drills would be carried out in

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Taiwan’s defense and foreign affairs officials call China’s military exercises a provocation and threat to regional security

Both the Ministry of National Defense (MND), and Ministry of Foreign affairs (MOFA), held unscheduled press conferences Thursday evening, September 10, in response to incursions into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ) by Chinese military aircraft for the second day in a row. The MND condemned China’s joint navy and air force military exercises as “provocative,” and MOFA called on international partners to pay attention to China’s “threats to regional stability.” MND officials revealed that China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA)

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Ministry of Defense confirms multiple incursions of Taiwan airspace by PLA aircraft

Taiwan’s Ministry of Defense (MOD) confirmed this afternoon that PLA aircraft flew multiple sorties into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone this morning. The MOD press release said that Chinese PLA aircraft included SU-30 and J-10 fighters as well as multiple other types of aircraft. The MOD said that the air force closely monitored the flights and responded effectively to the incursions. The MOD also denied that PLA forces had encircled the Dongsha (Pratas) Islands, saying that it was falsely reported

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US Military plane flies over Taiwan, Chinese fighters enter Taiwan airspace

A US Navy C-40 transport aircraft flew north to south inland of Taiwan’s west coast this morning, while Chinese Su-30 fighters entered Taiwan’s airspace, causing Taiwan to scramble its own jets in response. A press release by the Ministry of Defense (MOD) confirmed the aircraft movements, denying rumors that the American aircraft had landed briefly at Ching Chuan Kang Air Base in Taichung City. The US Navy plane had followed standard procedures and had been given permission according to the

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China aircraft carrier group east of Taiwan on third day of tit for tat military maneuvers

China’s aircraft carrier Liaoning entered the Pacific Ocean via the Miyako Strait north of Taiwan and is heading south towards the South China Sea, according to the Ministry of National Defense (MND), today, April 12. The maneuver comes after a range of movements by Chinese and American aircraft and ships since April 10. On the morning of April 10, six PLA aircraft flew from the coast of China via the Bashi Channel south of Taiwan into the Pacific Ocean in

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In the midst of virus battle, China launches provocative military flights around Taiwan

The People’s Liberation Army sent aircraft to circle Taiwan two days in a row, starting yesterday, February 9, provoking Taiwan into scrambling armed F-16 fighters to monitor the flights, and to broadcast a warning after a PLA H-6 bomber crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait today, February 10. President Tsai Ing-wen said via Facebook that choosing military actions during the virus outbreak made no sense, and was unnecessary, urging the Chinese government to concentrate efforts on quickly controlling

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Taiwan Scrambles F-16s as Chinese Bomber Approaches Air Defense Identification Zone

[Photo: Ministry of Defense. Picture for illustrative purposes and not related to today’s incident.] Taiwan’s Air Force scrambled F-16 fighter jets to monitor a PLA Xian H-6 bomber aircraft as it approached Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone south of Point Eluanbi this morning. The Air Force stressed that there was no conflict between the two sides. However, civilian radio operators picked up a verbal exchange between the Chinese and Taiwanese pilots. When the Taiwanese fighter pilot requested the bomber pilot

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