Is that a turtle in your pocket? No Sir, It’s fourteen turtles!

A shoplifter was caught red-handed after stuffing a total of 14 small turtles in his pockets at an aquarium store in Tainan City yesterday, Sunday, January 21. At around 4:00pm, a store clerk at an aquarium shop in Anping District noticed a small turtle fall out of a customer’s bulging trouser pocket, and suspecting the man was attempting to shoplift, immediately called the police. Police from the nearby Huaping Police Station rushed to the aquarium shop and confronted the 57-year-old

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77 Year Old Fruit Vendor Nabs Thief

Taipei: A 77 year old woman nabbed a 35 year old woman who stole small change from her fruit stand. The thief picked up a bunch of bananas and used it to cover her other hand as she pilfered coins from the fruit vendor’s change tray. The elderly fruit seller observed the incident and grabbed the thief by the arm, holding her until others came to help restrain the offender. The incident was caught on security cam.

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