European Values think tank communist-watch program to open Taipei Office

The Czech think tank, European Values Center for Security Policy (EVC), will open an office in Taipei later this year, as part of its Red Watch Program, according to a press release issued today, April 20. The Taipei Office of the Red Watch Program will focus on monitoring Chinese influence operations. EVC signed a partnership agreement with Taiwan’s representative Ke Liang-Ruey at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Prague today. The EVC press release referred to Ke as “The

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Prague thanks Taiwan for medical supplies: “Taiwan’s success inspiring”

The Mayor of Prague, Zdeněk Hřib thanked Taiwan for donating ventilators, saying that they will be used to save lives. Czech Parliament Senator Jiří Drahoš  joined Hřib in a video to thank the people of Taiwan. “Dear people of Taiwan,” Mayor Hřib, a qualified physician, said; “your success in your fight with coronavirus has been very inspiring for us here in Prague.” “I hope this situation will be over soon so that we can cooperate more in the future.” The message

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