Taiwan’s gold reserves valued at US$26.9 billion: Legislator suggests “sell high, buy low”

A legislator suggested that Taiwan’s central bank should sell some of its gold reserve while the price is high, as the market price reached close to US$2,000 per ounce yesterday, April 13. The Russia-Ukraine war, and rampant global inflation has driven up the price of gold, with prices of over US$2,050 seen in early march, and the price reaching US$1,973 yesterday. At the time of writing the gold price was hovering slightly below US$1,970. Taiwan’s central bank (Central Bank of

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Central Bank Coinage Cost Increased due to Claw Machine Craze

The governor of Taiwan’s Central Bank told the legislature that an increase in coinage costs in this year’s budget was due to the popularity of claw machines. Central Bank Governor Yang Chin-Long was responding to a question by Legislative Yuan member Chiang Yung-Chang who noted that according to the bank’s 2019 budget, the cost of issuing coins is nearly NT$1.7 billion, of which NT$1 billion, more than 60% is devoted to NT$10 coins. Governor Yang responded that because claw machines

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