Suspect shot by cops arrested after night hiding in forest

Police arrested a suspect in Nantou County today after the man had been shot while escaping from a police roadblock yesterday afternoon.
Police from Renai Township set up a road block in Wushe yesterday, August 17, to intercept suspected wood poachers in the mountain district.
At around 5:40 pm, officers attempted to stop two men in a black sedan, but the driver suddenly reversed his vehicle, attempting to ram the officers, hitting a police car, parked scooters, and a residential building, before eventually escaping.
During the escape, one officer fired two shots: a warning shot in the air, and one at the vehicle. Two police reported minor injuries after the incident.

Police then chased the suspect’s vehicle for three kilometers on winding mountain roads until the suspect lost control of the car and crashed into a concrete guardrail.
Police arrested a 41-year-old man named Lin at the scene of the crash. However, another suspect was seen getting out of the vehicle and running into the forest.

Police searched the vehicle and recovered more than 100 kilograms of wood, including cypress, 3.75 grams of drugs and four drug pipes.
Police and forestry service personnel conducted a search for the second suspect. Following a blood trail left the suspect, police arrested a 29-year-old Vietnamese man, Pham Van Nan, at around 7:45 am this morning. Pham had a gunshot wound to his left shoulder and was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

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