Supermoon Rising Monday

Picture: 植然范
The biggest full moon in 68 years will be viewable around the world from Monday November 14, to Tuesday November 15, as the moon approaches its closest orbit point to the earth.
In Taiwan, the moon will rise at 17:16 Monday, and set at 5:28 Tuesday, according to the Central Weather Bureau.
The moon will reach it’s perigee (closest orbit point) at 356,508 kilometers from the earth. At this point, the moon will be within 137 kilometers of its closest possible approach to the earth. The moon has not been so close to earth since January 26, 1948.
The next chance to see the moon this close to the earth will be November 2034.
The moon will appear at its largest when it is on the horizon as it rises. It will reach perigee at 19:15 Taiwan (CST) time. Although the moon will appear “full” at this point, it will actually reach full-moon status 37 minutes later.
At the time of writing, the Central Weather Bureau forecast for Monday night in Taipei City is “mostly clear”.
Coincidentally, “Monday” in the English language means “moon day.” The same day of the week in other European languages also equate to “moon day”. In Japanese and Korean, the day is written as 月曜日, using the Chinese character for moon “月”.
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