Runners Go Bananas in Kaohsiung

Six thousand runners participated in the second annual Banana run – the Qishan Marathon, in Kaohsiung this morning, Sunday, January 7. Many runners wore yellow clothes, some sported yellow sneakers, and a few even donned banana suits for the event.
The route for the run meandered through banana plantations and fields of soy bean. Participants were treated to all kinds of banana flavored snacks including banana soup, banana egg rolls, banana cake, banana bread, banana popsicles, and banana vinegar drinks.
The full marathon started at 6:30 am, with the mayor and township officials sounding horns to kick off the event. Mayor Chen said Qishan is one of Taiwan’s main production areas for bananas and he hopes the banana run can continue to grow as an annual event.
At 15 minute intervals other races started – the 22 kilometer half-marathon, an 11 kilometer health run, and a 3 kilometer family fun run.

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