Road Rage Murderer Sentenced to 11 Year Prison Term

[Picture: United Daily News]
The driver of a car who chased a motorcyclist for 2 kilometers before running him off the road and killing him, was sentenced to serve 11 years in prison today, Thursday, January 5, 2017.
At around 7:00am August 17, 2016, 40 year-old Wu Gou-xiang reversed his car, obstructing 43 year-old motorcyclist, Mr Huang. Mr Huang cursed the driver using the Taiwanese swear word “gan,” which is equated with the English word “f*&k.”
Mr Wu flew into a rage and chased the scooter-rider for two kilometers, twice attempting to side-swipe him. On the third attempt, he rammed the scooter from behind, sending Mr Huang head-on into a concrete utility pole.
Mr Huang landed in a field beside the road. With a fractured skull, and broken limbs, he died at the scene from internal bleeding.
Mr Wu called emergency services, claiming he had accidentally hit the motorcyclist. Police were suspicious of his testimony and charged him with homicide after viewing surveillance cameras.
In handing out the sentence, the court pointed out that the perpetrator had failed to make restitution to the victim’s family.
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