Member of the audience attacks actor during Shanghai Disneyland stage performance, shouting “American Pig!”

A woman visiting Shanghai Disneyland jumped onto the stage during a performance of Pirates of the Caribbean, and slapped an actor on the head, while calling him “debauched”, and saying, “you are not worthy of being Chinese,” and “you are an American pig,” Saturday, February 20.

Video footage of the incident circulated on Chinese social media websites, Sunday, leading to lively discussions about the incident.

Pudong Public Security Bureau said that at about 5:00 pm, February 20, a woman took to the stage during a performance, and “beat a performer for no reason, causing the performance to be disrupted.”

Pudong Public Security Bureau announcement. Read full announcement.

Video footage of the incident shows the actors being understandably taken aback, but barely skipping a beat as they continued in the spirit of “the show must go on.”

However, the woman kept ranting after leaving the stage, accusing the actor of “debauchery” for a scene in the play where his pants were torn off while being whipped.

The woman then returned to her seat, and refused staff requests for her to leave the venue. The show was then cancelled, to the disappointment of the audience, some of whom had cued for up to an hour to get a seat.

Pudong Public Security Bureau police arrested a 35-year-old woman named Guan in relation to the incident, only to find her incoherent, and confused. Police contacted Guan’s family, who informed them that Guan suffered from mental illness, and had been in Shanghai on her own in recent days.

Guan was diagnosed with acute mental disorder by the Mental Health Center, and has been admitted to the hospital, Pudong Public Security Bureau said.

The incident did not cause any injuries to theater performers.

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