Legislator slams WHO for acting as thugs for CCP after international radiologist group ordered to list Taiwan members under “Taiwan, China”

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislator Wang Ting-yu said that the World Health Organization (WHO) has turned into a political thug helping China oppress Taiwan, after an international radiologist society was pressured to list Taiwan members as belonging to “Taiwan, China.”

The International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT) responded to the demand by changing “Taiwan” to “Chinese Taipei” on their website.

A letter sent by the ISRRT to the Taiwan Society of Radiological Technologists (TWSRT), and the Taiwan Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (TAMRT), dated December 22, 2020, explained that demands for the name change came from WHO.

“I am officially writing your Societies regarding a letter the ISRRT received from the World Health Organization relating to the ISRRT official Non-State Actor profile status.” The letter began.

“…please note that the references to Taiwan as presented on the ISRRT’s website do not appear consistent with the WHO’s policies and practices. In accordance with such policies and practices, references to “Taiwan” are generally presented as “Taiwan, China.”

“We want you to know what a valued member both of your organizations are to the ISRRT. We recognize that you have been part of the founding organizations and that we have had leaders serve on the ISRRT board from your societies. Know this is a very hard decision for both our organizations but we have to meet the WHO regulations to still hold the Non-State Actors “Official Relations” status.”

“We have been working to find a possible solution to this issue and we believe we have come up with a solution to meet the WHO’s constitution, regulations, policies and practices. The ISRRT will be changing the ISRRT Website section, membership, National Societies Membership, National Memberships, “Taiwan-TWSRT” and “Taiwan-TAMRT” to “Chinese Taipei TWSRT” and “Chinese Taipei-TAMRT.” This is a similar nomenclature used to list countries that participate in the Olympic ceremony and games.”

The letter concluded that the change will allow the ISRRT to keep their official relations status with the WHO.

Both Taiwan radiologist groups, and Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) have lodged protests about the designation, but the ISRRT has so far not responded.

DPP legislator Wang Ting-yu said on Facebook, and in a media interview today, January 10, that the WHO were behaving as “political thugs” for the Chinese Communist Party.

The Taiwanese radiologists associations have participated in the ISRRT for more than 50 years, and have always used the name “Taiwan,” Wang said. Facing the global COVID-19 pandemic, our country’s defense has been seen by the whole world. But the WHO does not think about how Taiwan’s ability can contribute to the international community; it only thinks about political manipulation.

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