Lawmakers Run the Gauntlet to Get Inside Barricades

[Cover Picture: United Daily News]

Legislators, staff, media, and observers struggled to get through protesters and barricades to enter the Legislative Yuan where the ruling Democratic Progressive Party will attempt to make a final review of a pension reform bill.

DPP Secures the Podium

DPP members made an early start and entered the conference room at around 7:00am to prevent the opposition KMT from occupying the podium. Political battles in the legislature frequently result in physical fights to control the podium either to prevent, or facilitate procedures for passing or rejecting a bill.

Protesters scuffled with police and government supporters at entrances where staff and media squeezed through gaps in the barricades with the assistance of police.

Legislators Roughed Up

Some legislators were roughed up after being recognized by the angry crowd of mostly retired civil servants and military. New Power Party representative Hsu Yung-ming (徐永明) had his suit jacket ripped off and was drenched with water. Legislators Wang Ding-yu (王定宇), Lin Chun-hsien (林俊憲) and Tsai Yi-yu (蔡易餘) were also physically attacked. Some reports including this People News article say that Wang, and Taipei Mayor Ko Wenje were punched.

Taipei Deputy Mayor Charles Lin (林欽榮) was pushed into a barricade, and was treated for cuts to his left hand. A police officer was also injured during the incident. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor went to the Legislative Yuan to attend a meeting of the Economic Commission that had no relation to the pension reform bill.

Hsu Yongming after being splashed with water during protest
New Power Party Legislator Hsu Yongming gives a thumbs up after being mobbed by protesters who ripped off his jacket and drenched him with water Wednesday morning April 19, 2017. Picture: United Daily News.

Protesters Drenched

protesters defy the rain during a downpour April 19, 2017
Protesters defy the rain as a heavy shower drenches Taipei City in the early afternoon, April 19, 2017.
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