Hiker Stung by Hornets Dies

A 53 year old man died of multiple organ failure in hospital yesterday, after being stung by hornets on a hiking trip last weekend. Mr Luo was part of a group of six hikers who had to be rescued by firefighters after a swarm of Asian giant hornets attacked them on Saturday.

Of the six in the group hiking on a trail on Hsinch County’s Shihniou Mountain (新竹縣關西石牛山} Mr Luo was the most seriously hurt. Mr Luo sustained more than 30 stings on his head, chest, and back.

The sting of the Asian giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia) is 6 millimeters long and injects a potent venom. National Taiwan University Hospital Hsinchu Branch emergency room physician Chen Junwei said that receiving more than 20 stings can lead to renal and liver failure. There is no antidote to the sting, so patients can only receive supportive care after being stung.

The hornets are most aggressive during Autumn, and hikers are reminded to avoid wearing brightly colored clothing, perfumes, or scented sunscreens when hiking in the mountains.

Police have posted notices at the trail-head warning hikers away from the area where the attack occurred.

A police officer gestures to a notice posted at the entrance to a trail in Hsinchu where a swarm of Asian giant hornets caused the death of a hiker
A police officer gestures to a notice posted at the entrance to a trail in Hsinchu where a swarm of Asian giant hornets caused the death of a hiker. Photo: United Daily News
A dead hornet at the scene of an attack in Hsinchu County. Photo: Hsinchu Fire Department
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One thought on “Hiker Stung by Hornets Dies

  • October 27, 2016 at 1:53 pm

    and why not make a short remark in English?


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