Heavy machinery falls off truck, crushes parked car

A large piece of heavy machinery fell off a semi-trailer in Kaohsiung City this morning, flattening a parked car, but fortunately the owner of the vehicle was having breakfast at the time, and there were no casualties.
At 6:22 am this morning, a 26-year-old man named Liu was driving a semi-trailer on Dezhong Road in Nanzi District when the section of heavy machinery undercarriage being carried on the trailer fell off and crushed the small sedan.

According to police, the heavy machinery equipment, weighing around 10 tons, is suspected to have been not properly secured. The driver was tested and cleared of drunk driving, but will be investigated for negligence.
The driver of the pancaked car had temporarily parked outside a noodle store, and was enjoying a breakfast of soup noodles at the time of the incident.
One reader on social media commented that it turned out to be a very expensive bowl of noodles.
“It doesn’t matter how expensive the noodles were, life is priceless,” another replied.

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