Elderly Man Stabbed to Death on Tiger Mountain: 18 Year-Old Man Arrested

An 88 year-old man was found dead today after being reported missing by family when he failed to return home after a bike ride in the Four Beast Mountain area of Taipei City the previous day.
A forensic examination found he had been stabbed more than 20 times in a vicious knife attack. The body of Mr Lee was found shirtless in an abandoned pavilion on Tiger Mountain.
Police arrested an 18 year-old man this evening, Monday, June 13, in the Xinyi District of Taipei City. The man confessed that he had killed the man after an argument over the young man’s dog.
The 18 year-old Zhou Jianshen had taken his dog for a walk on Tiger Mountain when they came upon Mr Lee practicing qigong. Mr Zhou’s dog began barking at Mr Lee. The two men had an argument in which Mr Lee said that Zhou’s dog was dirty, smelly, and ferocious.
The younger man then returned to his home at the base of the mountain and retrieved a knife. He returned to the mountain and killed the old man who was resting with his eyes closed at the time.
After committing the crime, Zhou calmly returned home where he stuffed his blood-stained clothes and knife into a backpack and headed to Taoyuan County to visit a cousin. He made no mention of the crime, but asked the cousin if he could help him find work.
The suspect spent the night at a hotel where he left the backpack containing the clothes and murder-weapon, and returned to Taipei to attend a dinner with his family. The family was shocked when police appeared to arrest Zhou.
After his confession, police retrieved the backpack from the hotel and brought it back to Taipei for forensic investigation.
Zhou was arrested after a random knife attack as a minor. In 2014, he came under a supervision order after he stabbed a university student. At the time he was 16 years old.

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