Drunk Driver Kills Scooter Rider

Tainan: A drunk driver hit a scooter waiting to turn at an intersection in Tainan this morning, killing the 76 year old female rider instantly before crashing into trees and flipping the BMW.

The 21 year-old driver surnamed Tsai was found to have a blood alcohol level of 0.71. Three passengers traveling in the car were hospitalized with minor injuries.

The accident happened at 5:36am.

trees destroyed after being hit by car traveling at high speed: driver drunk
Trees destroyed after being hit by a drunk driver in Tainan. Picture: Liberty Times Network.
scooter parts scattered on road after fatal accident in Tainan City
Scooter parts scattered on the road after a drunk-driving accident in Tainan City. Picture: Liberty Times Network.
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2 thoughts on “Drunk Driver Kills Scooter Rider

  • May 7, 2017 at 3:42 pm

    No doubt he will pay the family off with compensation and avoid jail.

  • July 10, 2017 at 6:11 pm

    SMH…why are there so many senseless traffic accidents in TW?


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