Drunk American Arrested After Harassing People in the Street

An American man was arrested in Taipei City yesterday afternoon, January 4, after he harassed one man and four women near a Zhongshan MRT Station exit in an alley off Chang’an West Road. Police allege he sexually harassed women and groped their buttocks and chests.
At around 3:00 pm, an obviously drunk Caucasian male was reported to be aggressively harassing passers by. Some women alleged the man groped their buttocks and breasts, and at least one reported being bear-hugged.

Video released to media [see below] showed the suspect sitting beside the pathway attempting to smoke a cigarette. As he puts the cigarette to his mouth, it falls out of his hand and onto the ground. The man bends down and picks it up, then suddenly jumps up and aggressively approaches a woman passing by, while shouting and gesticulating at her.
The suspect, whose name was provided in media as JOSEPH, in all-caps, was arrested under the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act, and taken to Datong Police Station, according to United Daily News.
At the police station, the handcuffed 36 year-old continued to rant and rave at police officers, and repeatedly shouted “F##k you Japan!” and “F##k you Korea!” according to Liberty Times Network.
Foreign Affairs Police were brought in to help translate, and the American Institute in Taiwan was contacted. Four hours after his arrest police said the man was still too drunk to make a written statement.
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