Driver Too Drunk for Breath Test

A woman who crashed her car in Kaohsiung City this morning was so drunk that she giggled when the police arrived, and couldn’t manage to blow into an alcohol breath-testing device. Police had to take her to a hospital for an alcohol blood test.
Ms Lee, 41, failed to negotiate a bend on a freeway interchange, and her car ended up mounting a traffic divider before coming to a stop against a pole at around 4:45am.
After stopping, Lee remained in the car. Concerned motorists who witnessed the accident called emergency services. When police arrived and opened the car door they were greeted with the strong smell of alcohol. Paramedics checked Lee for injury before police attempted to administer an alcohol breath test.
Lee giggled as she retrieved her drivers license from her handbag. Video of the incident shows Lee putting her lips to the breath-testing device then turning away, looking nauseous. Police made three attempts at the breath test then decided that the driver would have to be taken to hospital for a blood test. The test measured 1.305mg/l (greater than 0.2%).
Lee later fell asleep at the police station.

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